How to Fix Screenshot on Mac

Taking a screenshot on your Mac is easy once you know how to do it. However, you may run into issues if you haven’t set up the basic settings properly. In this post, we will guide you through how to capture a screenshot on your Mac and some troubleshooting tips in case you encounter any issues.

Before we dive into the process, let’s review some of the basic settings. Open Launchpad and search for “Screenshot.” Double-click to open the app and select “Options.” Here, you can change the save location to desktop or the location of your choice. Open “System Preferences,” select “Keyboard,” and go to “Shortcuts.” Select “Screenshots” and click on “Restore Defaults.” Please do not use the keyboard while you are on this page, as it may accidentally change the default key combinations. Use your mouse to close this window instead.

Now, let’s take a look at the three types of screenshots that you may want to take: the entire screen, a portion of the screen, or a specific window. These are the corresponding default key combinations:

– To capture the entire screen, press and hold these three keys together: Shift, Command, and 3.

– To capture a portion of the screen, press and hold these three keys together: Shift, Command, and 4. The pointer changes to a crosshair. Drag the crosshair to select the area and release the mouse or trackpad button to capture.

– To capture a specific window, press and hold these four keys together: Shift, Command, 4, and Spacebar. The pointer changes to a camera icon. Click on the specific window to capture it.

If you want to capture to the clipboard instead of the desktop, please use “Control” before these shortcuts. For example, to capture the entire screen to the clipboard, press and hold these four keys together: Ctrl, Shift, Command, and 3. You can then open your target application and use “Command + V” to paste the captured screenshot.

If you’re not comfortable with shortcuts, you can also use the “Screenshot” app directly and select the appropriate icons. Alternatively, you can use the “Preview” app to take screenshots. Open Launchpad, search for “Preview,” and double-click to open the app. Select “File” and go to “Take Screenshot.” Choose any one of these options based on your needs.

In case you encounter any issues with the screenshot function, make sure to check your basic settings and restore defaults. If that doesn’t work, try restarting your Mac and following the steps again.

We hope this post was helpful in guiding you through how to fix screenshot on Mac. Remember, taking a screenshot is a simple and useful tool for capturing images of your screen.