How to Fix Headphones Cutting Out: Eliminating Audio Sweatering and Crackling

Do you ever experience audio sweatering and crackling from your Bluetooth headphones or dongles? Don’t worry, there’s a solution for that! In this tutorial, we will guide you through the steps to eliminate the problem and achieve crisper audio.

First, go to your search bar and type in “control panel.” From there, click on “devices and printers” and select your headset. Click on “properties” and then “services.” Look for an option called “hands-free telephony” and disable it. This will not only result in crisper audio, but it will also disable your headset’s microphone capabilities.

If the problem still persists, go to the device manager and click on “Bluetooth.” Look for a power setting for Bluetooth. For Windows 20 H2, the latest version, there is a power option for “generic Bluetooth radio.” But for older versions like Windows 1903, there might not be a power option. If that’s the case, find your USB root hub where the Bluetooth dongle is located and go to power management. Uncheck the box, which will prevent your computer from losing signal.

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