How to Fix Computer Lag in Windows 10

Are you experiencing lag problems with your Windows 10 computer? If so, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many users encounter this issue, but fortunately, there are some steps you can take to fix it. In this post, we’ll go over how to fix computer lag quickly and easily.

First, you need to access your Start menu and click on the Settings button. Once there, you’ll see the Windows Settings options. Click on the Privacy option and select General from the left side of the screen. Then, turn off the four options available to you. Next, click on Speech and turn off the option available there. Do the same for Location and Camera, but don’t turn off the microphone and voice activation options.

Then, move on to the Notification tab and turn off the following options: Account Info, Contacts, Phone Calls, Email, Tasks, Messaging, Radios, and Background of Apps. Lastly, turn off the options in the Document and Videos sections, along with the File System.

After you’ve completed these steps, restart your computer. Doing so will fix your problem and improve the performance of your Windows 10 computer.

We hope this post has been helpful to you. Please remember to share it with anyone who may be experiencing similar issues. Don’t forget to leave a comment if you have any questions or concerns.