How to Enable Trim on SSD: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking to improve the performance of your SSD drive and keep it running smoothly? The trim command is an essential feature that can help you achieve this goal. However, it can also make it impossible to recover deleted data. Therefore, it’s important to know how to enable or disable it.

In this post, we’ll consider everything you need to know about the trim function and how to enable or disable it.

What is the trim command?

The trim command is a feature supported by modern SSD drives that speeds up their work. When you delete data from your disk, Windows sends this command to inform the disk that this data no longer needs to be stored. It clears the memory cells where this data was located. Due to this, when new information is written to the disk, the write speed will be the same as if it were written to a blank disk.

Why is it important?

In the case of SSD, this method of writing is faster because if a cell is overwritten, it needs to read this information from the cell, erase it, and only then write a new one. Therefore, the trim function is essential for keeping your SSD running smoothly and faster. It is enabled by default on Windows 10 and 11, and also in 8.

How to check if trim command is enabled?

The main way to check if the trim command is enabled on your SSD drive is through the command prompt. In Start or in the search, write the command prompt and run it as an administrator. You can also use Windows Terminal or PowerShell. Then, type the following command and press enter:

fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify

If trim is enabled, you will see the rules next to each type of file system. If disabled, it will say “1”. If it says “not installed,” it means that a disk with such a file system was not found, but when connected, it will be enabled.

How to turn it on or off?

To change the value of trim, use the following commands: “0” to enable trim for the interface file system and “1” to disable trim for the interface file system. Repeat the same for RFS.

One more thing to note is that sometimes trim may not work because Windows has incorrectly identified the drive. Instead of an SSD, it thinks that a regular hard drive is connected. To check this, go to the properties of your drive (for example, Drive C) and click “Optimize.” Look at the media type; it should be “Solid State Drive.” If it says “hard drive,” run the command prompt as an administrator and apply the command “winsat diskformal.” It should fix everything.

In conclusion, the trim command is a crucial feature for SSD drives that enhances their performance and keeps them running longer. It’s important to know how to enable or disable it, depending on your preference. Now that you know how to enable trim on SSD, go ahead and try it out. Remember to write in the comments which option you prefer!