How to Enable Telnet Client on Windows 10

Telnet client is a tool used to communicate with remote servers using the Telnet protocol. By default, the Telnet client is not enabled on Windows 10, which means you have to enable it manually. In this guide, we’ll show you how to enable Telnet client on Windows 10.

Enabling Telnet client is a straightforward process. First, you need to right-click the Start menu and select Programs and Features. From there, select Turn Windows Features on or off. This may require administrator privileges. If you are not an administrator, you will get prompted for administrator credentials.

This will display the list of Windows Features that are currently on and off. Search for Telnet client and tick the box next to it. Then click OK, and the Telnet client will be installed. You can test it by opening the command prompt and typing “telnet 80”. If the Telnet client is installed correctly, it will connect without any issues.

Enabling Telnet client through the command line is useful in larger deployment scenarios. It also installs a bit quicker. To enable Telnet client through the command line using Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM), use the following command: DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient.

After enabling Telnet client, you can use it for basic network troubleshooting or other tasks that require Telnet communication with remote servers.

Enabling Telnet client is important for anyone who needs to troubleshoot network issues or communicate with remote servers. With these simple steps, you can enable Telnet client on Windows 10 and start using it for your daily tasks.