How to Edit KML Files: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

If you’ve ever used Google My Maps, you know how helpful it can be to create custom maps for your needs. However, sometimes you may find that the maps you create or import have too much information, causing the map to load slowly or just making it difficult to navigate. In this tutorial, we will show you how to edit a KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file to remove any unwanted information, so you can have a streamlined map that is easy to use.

Step 1: Make a Copy of the KML File

The first step is to make a copy of the KML file you want to edit. Once you have made a copy, rename it to an XML file. To do this, simply press F2 and change the file extension from .kml to .xml. You will need to rename both the original and the copy.

Step 2: Open the XML Files

Next, you will need to open both the original KML file and the copy in an XML editor. In this tutorial, we will be using XML Notepad, but any XML editor will work. Once both files are open, you can begin editing.

Step 3: Delete Unwanted Information

The first thing you will want to do is delete any unwanted information. If you are only interested in a few counties, for example, you can delete all the other counties from the KML file. To do this, simply select the unwanted information and hit the delete key. If you have a large number of areas to delete, this can be a time-consuming process.

Step 4: Find and Cut the Desired Information

To make the process easier, you can go to the source KML file and find the information you want to keep. In our example, we are looking for the counties we want to keep. Once you have found the information you want, select it and copy it. Then, go to the KML file you are editing and paste the information in the appropriate place.

Step 5: Save and Convert Back to KML

Once you have edited the KML file to your liking, save the file and convert it back to a KML file. To do this, simply rename the file extension from .xml to .kml. You can then import the new KML file into Google My Maps and use it as you normally would.

By following these simple steps, you can easily edit a KML file to remove any unwanted information and create a customized map that meets your needs.