How to Edit .jar Files on Windows

Have you ever wanted to make changes to your .jar files but found it difficult because they contain all the code in a class file which is not human-readable? Well, the good news is that there is a way to make changes to your .jar files and add any custom code you would like to add in the jar file. In this blog post, we will show you how to edit .jar files on Windows.

A .jar file is basically a Java file archive file and it is just like a zip file. You can use any editor like Winrar or 7-zip to open them or view the files. However, the problem with a .jar file is that if you want to make any changes to them, you cannot do so because it contains all the code in a class file which is not human-readable.

The tool we are going to use to decompile all the class files to java files is a software that allows us to open any .jar file that contains class files and it automatically decompiles all the code to java files. You can use any tool you have available to you.

First, download a basic Oracle JDBC by going to the Oracle download center and downloading a .jar file. Once the download is complete, bring all the files to the same folder. Then use the tool to decompile all the java files so that they are readable to you and you can make changes to them.

Next, change the preferences so that you don’t get any line numbers. This is important because all the java files will have line numbers which can be confusing. Then save all the sources in the .zip file.

Open the .jar file with Winrar and extract all the class files in a new folder. Then go to the folder where the java files are and make the changes you want to make. Once you have made your changes, you have to compile these files again.

Copy the java file you made changes in and paste it into the class files folder. Then generate a new class file when you use the java compiler. Open command prompt and wait for the changes. Once the new class file has been created, delete the old java file and replace it with the new class file.

Open the .jar file again and delete the old file you want to replace. Use the “add” feature to add the new class file you generated. Check to see if your changes have been included in the .jar file and you’re done!

We hope you found this tutorial helpful in learning how to edit .jar files on Windows. Don’t forget to leave any questions or comments in the section below.