How to Delete Locked Files with Ease

Have you ever had a file or folder that you couldn’t delete because it was in use? It can be frustrating to encounter this issue, but luckily there is a program that can help. Instead of going through command prompt, you can use Unlocker to quickly delete all of these locked files.

Unlocker is a free program that you can download from their website. Once you have downloaded and installed it, you can open it up and navigate to the files or folders that you want to delete. For example, if you want to delete a driver folder, you can choose that folder in Unlocker.

Sometimes, you may see a message that says “no locking handle found.” This is not a problem. Just choose “delete,” hit “OK,” and then you may get an error message saying that it can’t be deleted. Not to worry, you can delete it on the next reboot. Most of the time, it will go ahead and delete it for you, but if the drivers are in use, you may have to restart your computer first.

After restarting your computer, you can navigate back to the location of the folder or file you wanted to delete. If you did everything correctly, the files and folders will be deleted, and you can reinstall your drivers fresh.

It’s important to note that you should be careful when using Unlocker, as you don’t want to accidentally delete files that you need. However, for files and folders that you know you need to delete, Unlocker can be a lifesaver.