How to Delete a Folder and Subfolders in Command Prompt

Are you tired of using your mouse to delete files and folders on your PC? Did you know that you can use the command prompt to get rid of them? In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to delete folders and subfolders using the Windows command line.

First, you need to open the command prompt. You can do this by pressing the Windows key + R on your keyboard, then typing “cmd” and hitting enter.

Once you have opened the command prompt, navigate to the folder that you want to delete. In this example, we will delete a folder located on the desktop. Type “cd desktop” to change your directory to the desktop.

To delete the folder, type “rm” followed by the name of the folder you want to delete. For example, if the folder’s name is “test”, you would type “rm test” and press enter. This will immediately delete the folder without any confirmation prompts.

But what if the folder has subfolders? In this case, you need to use a slightly different command. Type “rmdir” followed by the name of the folder and “/s”. The “/s” tells the computer to delete all subdirectories as well. For example, if the folder’s name is “test” and it has subfolders, you would type “rmdir test /s” and press enter. The computer will ask you to confirm the deletion, so type “y” and press enter.

And that’s it! You have successfully deleted a folder and all of its subfolders using the command prompt.

No more clicking around with your mouse to delete files and folders. With this tutorial, you can easily delete anything you want without leaving the command prompt. Give it a try and see how much time you can save!