How to Customize Your Xbox Home Screen

If you’re looking to freshen up your Xbox One’s home screen, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll show you how to customize your Xbox One home screen in 2020 to make it look new and refreshing.

To get started, find a USB stick and download some images you want to use as your background. We recommend using 1920 by 1080 size images. Once you’ve selected your images, simply plug your USB stick into your Xbox.

The first thing we’ll change is your background image. Go to Settings > General > Personalization > My color and background > Custom image. Select your USB stick, choose your image, and set it as your background.

Next, let’s change your profile picture to match your new background. Go to Personalization > My profile. Click “Customize profile” and then “Change gamer pic.” Upload your custom image and adjust the zoom and position to your liking.

To match your profile picture with your new background, choose a color from the “Change color” option that matches your image. You can also make your tiles transparent by going to My color and background and adjusting the transparency of your home panels and tiles.

Lastly, add some smooth transitions to make your home screen look even smoother. Go to Personalization > Theme and Motion > Smooth transitions. This will make your screen transition smoothly when you select something else.

And that’s it! These may not be drastic changes, but they will give your Xbox One home screen a fresh new look. Enjoy your customized Xbox One home screen!