How to Count Blank Cells in Google Sheets

The COUNTBLANK function is a premade function in Google Sheets, which counts blank cells in a range. It is typed =COUNTBLANK and gets a list of cells: =COUNTBLANK(value1, [value2, ...]) You can select cells one by one, but also ranges, or even multiple ranges.

Welcome to this tutorial on how to use the COUNTBLANK function in Google Sheets. This function is quite helpful when you need to count the number of empty cells in a range of cells in Google Sheets.

COUNTBLANK function returns the count of empty cells in the specified ranges. However, it does not count empty cells with spaces. The format of the COUNTBLANK function formula is straightforward. Value 1 is the range to count for blank cells, and value 2 and subsequent values are optional. If a second range is specified, COUNTBLANK returns the total count of blank cells in the two ranges.

The objective of using the COUNTBLANK function is to get the number of unpaid conference registrations by counting blank cells in the payment status column. To use the COUNTBLANK function, type =COUNTBLANK, select COUNTBLANK for value 1, and select the range to count for blank cells.

For example, if you need to get the total count of empty cells in highlighted ranges, you can use the COUNTBLANK function formula.

Type =COUNTBLANK and select COUNTBLANK for value 1. Then select the two ranges and separate them with a comma for value 2.

That’s it! You now know how to use the COUNTBLANK function in Google Sheets. It’s a handy tool that helps you count the number of empty cells in a range of cells quickly and easily.


How do you count unfilled cells in Google Sheets?
Select a blank cell and type the =COUNTA function including the range of cells that you want to count. For example, we used =COUNTA(A2:A11). Just hit enter, and the COUNTA function will automatically count the cells that are not blank. You now have the total number of cells that have values in it!
How do you count blank cells?
Select any empty cell in your sheet.Enter one of the below formulas into the formula bar. =COUNTBLANK(A2:A5) ... Then you can enter the range address between the brackets in your formula. ... Press the Enter key.
What is the Countifs function with blank cells?
If you want to count cells that are blank in Excel, you can use the COUNTBLANK function which is specifically designed to count cells that are empty (without any value in them). In the COUNTBLANK function, you just need to refer to the range from where you want to count the blank cells.
How do I count cells with text in Google Sheets?
Navigate to Click on a blank cell in the Sheet.Type =COUNTA(ENTER YOUR DATA RANGE HERE) In this example, the data range was A2:A39 or you can just highlight all of the cells you need to count. ... Close your parentheses by typing ") ENTER"