How to Compare Strings in Excel

When working with data in Microsoft Excel, it’s important to know how to compare strings to see if they are an exact match or if they are case sensitive. In this tutorial, we will show you two formulas that can help you compare strings in Excel.

First, let’s take a look at the data in column A and column B. We want to compare both columns to see if they are an exact match or if they are case sensitive. We will start with the first formula that checks for an exact match and is case sensitive.

To use this formula, we will select cell C1 and type “exact”. Then we will select cell A1, type a comma, and select cell B1. We will close the parenthesis and press enter. If the cells are an exact match, the result will be true. If they are not an exact match, the result will be false.

We can drag this formula down to compare other cells and it will give us true or false depending on whether or not the cells are an exact match.

Now let’s take a look at the second formula that is not case sensitive but still checks for an exact match. We will select cell D1 and type “=A1=B1”. This formula will also give us true or false depending on whether or not the cells are an exact match, but it will not be case sensitive.

When we use the first formula, it will show false if the cells are not an exact match and if they are case sensitive. However, the second formula will show true if the cells are not an exact match but they still match when not case sensitive.

It’s important to note that these formulas only work if you are comparing text strings. If you are comparing numbers or any other data type, you will need to use a different formula.

In conclusion, knowing how to compare strings in Microsoft Excel is an important skill for anyone working with data. These two formulas can help you compare cells to see if they are an exact match or if they are case sensitive.