How to Close Dialog Box in Excel: The Easy Way

Excel is a powerful tool that can help you organize data, create charts, and perform complex calculations. However, when you’re working with large amounts of text or making significant changes to your document, you may encounter dialog boxes that interrupt your workflow. In this post, we’ll look at how to cancel selected changes and close a dialog box in Excel using the escape key.

Firstly, when you have an Excel document open, you may open a dialog box to make changes to your text. You can change the font, size, style, color, and even make it strike through. But what if you change your mind and want to cancel those changes? You have three options: hit the enter key to accept the changes, click the cancel button with your mouse, or hit the escape key to close the dialog box and cancel any changes.

Using the escape key is the quickest and easiest way to close a dialog box in Excel. Instead of coming down and clicking the cancel button with your mouse or your individual tab selection, you can simply press the escape key. Pressing the escape key will generally close the dialog box and cancel any changes that you might have otherwise applied.

It’s essential to note that you have three ways to achieve the same result of canceling changes once you have that dialog box open. You can choose to tab over to the cancel button, use the keyboard shortcut escape, or click on the item at the top of the dialog box. In essence, there are three ways to individually cancel changes within a dialog box before making them permanent.

To sum it up, when working with Excel and encounter a dialog box that interrupts your workflow, use the escape key to close it and cancel any changes. It’s the easiest and quickest way to get back to working on your document. In our next post, we’ll look at using the alt apostrophe key to display the modify cell style dialog box. Thanks for reading!