How to Check Your Mac Battery Health: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you own a MacBook, you know how important it is to keep an eye on your battery health. But did you know that the maximum capacity shown in your system settings might not be accurate? In this guide, we’ll show you how to check the real battery health and maximum capacity of your MacBook in just a few seconds.

First, let’s take a look at how to find the maximum capacity in your system settings. Open up your system settings, scroll down to “Battery,” and tap on “Battery Health.” You’ll see the maximum capacity listed at the top. However, this number might not be accurate.

To get the real maximum capacity, we’re going to use the battery cycles. You can find out the maximum cycle count for your MacBook model on the Apple Support website. Once you know the maximum cycle count, you can easily calculate what your maximum capacity should be at that point.

To find your battery cycle count, click on the Apple logo, then “About This Mac,” “More Info,” and scroll down to “Power.” Your cycle count will be listed here. Now it’s time for some math. Multiply your cycle count by 20, and then divide by the maximum cycle count for your MacBook model. This will give you the percentage of maximum capacity you have lost.

For example, if your cycle count is 139 and your MacBook’s maximum cycle count is 1,000, you would do the following math: 139 x 20 / 1,000 = 2.78. This means that you have lost 2.78% of your maximum capacity. Subtract this number from 100 to get your actual maximum capacity percentage.

In the example above, the actual maximum capacity would be 97.22%. As you can see, this number is higher than the maximum capacity shown in the system settings.

It’s important to note that the actual maximum capacity will vary depending on your MacBook model and usage. However, using the battery cycle count to calculate the maximum capacity will give you a much more accurate result than relying on the system settings.

Now that you know how to check your real battery health and maximum capacity, you can keep an eye on your MacBook’s battery life and take steps to prolong its lifespan.