How to Change Your Myspace Profile Picture

Myspace is a popular social networking site that allows you to connect with friends and family while sharing your life experiences. One of the most important aspects of your Myspace profile is your profile picture. It is the first thing people see when they visit your page. Here’s how you can easily add or change your Myspace profile picture.

First, maximize your Myspace profile and then go to the left-hand corner where it says “photos.” You can either click “edit” or “upload.” If you don’t have a photo yet, click “upload.” This will bring up a folder where you can select a photo from your computer. Once you have chosen a photo, click “open,” and it will load onto the page.

You have the option to either add a caption or skip this step. Click “done editing,” and the photo will automatically become your default photo since it is the only one on your Myspace profile.

If you want to add another photo and change your default photo to a different one, click “upload photos” again, and select a different picture. Once it has uploaded, click “next,” and you can either add a caption or skip this step. Click “done editing,” and you can now arrange your photos or set the new photo as your default.

To set the new photo as your default profile picture, click on the new photo and select “set as default.” A message will pop up asking if you are sure you want to set this photo as your default. Click “OK,” and your new photo will become your default profile picture that everyone sees when they visit your page.

In conclusion, changing your Myspace profile picture is a simple process. You can easily upload or change a photo, add a caption or skip this step, and set the new photo as your default profile picture. So, go ahead and give your Myspace profile a fresh look by changing your profile picture today!