How to Change Thunderbird from POP to IMAP

Are you looking to change your email account from POP to IMAP in Thunderbird? In this article, we’ll walk you through the process step by step.

First, open Thunderbird and create a new account. By default, Thunderbird sets up the account as IMAP. If you need to switch to POP, go to Options > Account Settings > Server Settings. Look for the pad here and copy it. Then, open it in Windows Explorer and save it as a backup.

Next, switch from IMAP to POP. Go to Options > Account Settings and select the account you want to switch. Delete the account and create a new POP account. Once you’ve done this, your test email should appear in Thunderbird.

If your emails have disappeared from your webmail, don’t worry. You can retrieve them from the backup you created earlier. To do this, go to Options > Account Settings and select the new pad with a different number. Overwrite these files with the backup you saved earlier. This will restore your emails and folders.

What if you’ve changed the DNS of your domain and your old emails are still stored on the old server? In this case, you can use the same process to retrieve your emails. Just copy the backup from the previous profile you deleted into the new one. Make sure Thunderbird is closed before you do this. Once you’ve pasted the backup, open Thunderbird. Your emails should appear once again.

We hope this article has helped you change your email account from POP to IMAP in Thunderbird. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments.