How to Change Standard User to Administrator in Mac Without Admin Password

If your Mac’s administration password has been deleted or corrupted, you won’t be able to download apps, install new programs, or change your settings. The only solution is to create a new administration account. This tutorial will guide you on how to create a new administrator account on your Mac computer without an admin password.

Firstly, hold down the Command + S key on your keyboard and then press the power button. This will take you to the root directory. There are three lines of commands that you’ll need to enter, but don’t worry, it’s quite simple and straightforward. Input the commands in the exact same way as shown, including all the slashes, full stops, capital letters, and spaces or it won’t work. Whenever the commands have been executed successfully, it will always take you back to the root directory, so keep an eye on that.

To enter your three lines of command, make sure you’re in the root directory by pressing the Enter key on your keyboard. Then, type your first line of command, which is “mount -uw /” and press Enter. Next, type your second line of command, which is “rm /var/db/.applesetupdone” (note that “applesetupdone” is spelled with a capital “A” and “D,” and “setupdone” is all one word) and press Enter. Finally, type your third line of command, which is “shutdown -h now” and press Enter. Your computer should shut down.

To restart your computer, you will need to press the power on button. When your computer boots up again, it will boot up as new, just out of the box. You can set up a new user administrator account, location, time zones, and all that stuff. When you have done all that, you will be able to log in and reset your password for your other accounts. You might want to delete this new account because you have got your old account back, or you could just leave it; that’s up to you.

In conclusion, if your administration password has been deleted or corrupted, don’t worry, you can still create a new administration account on your Mac computer without an admin password. Just follow the steps mentioned above, and you’ll be up and running in no time!