How to Change Font on Mac: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re someone who uses a Mac desktop or MacBook laptop, you may want to consider changing the font or text size on your screen to make it easier to read. In this article, we’ll show you how to do just that with two different methods.

Method 1: Changing Everything with System Preferences

The first method involves going to System Preferences, which you can access by clicking on the Apple icon in the top left corner of your screen. From there, click on System Preferences and then go down to the bottom row where the icon that looks like a monitor is located. Click on this and then select the Resolution option at the top.

By default, your display is probably set to the default option, but you can change this by clicking on the Scaled option. Here, you’ll be given several options to scale everything on your screen, from icon size to window size to text size. You can make things smaller by selecting “More Space” or larger by going further to the left. Simply select the option that suits you best.

Method 2: Customizing with View Options

If you’re looking for a more customized approach, you can try the second method, which involves going to the View menu in the top menu bar. Click on View and then select “Show View Options” or use the keyboard shortcut Command + J.

From here, you can customize the size of icons, grid spacing, or text size. While there aren’t many options for text size, these changes can make a big difference. You can make the default size of 12 smaller or much larger to increase just the text size. Similarly, you can customize and increase or decrease things like icons or grid spacing until they’re just how you like them.

Final Thoughts

Changing the font or text size on your Mac is a simple process that can make a big difference in terms of readability. Whether you prefer a larger or smaller display, these two methods can help you customize your screen in a way that works best for you. So why not give them a try today?