How to Change Carrier on iPhone 4: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you tired of your old carrier’s logo on your iPhone or iPod Touch and want to change it to something more personalized? If so, then you’re in luck, because in this post, we’ll be showing you how to change your carrier on your iPhone or iPod Touch with ease.

First off, it’s worth noting that there have been some compatibility issues with “Make it Mine,” which is a popular way to change your carrier on newer firmware. However, we’ve found a replacement that works just as well.

The most popular way to change your carrier is through “Make it Mine,” which has been around for a long time. However, we’ve found that it only works on some iPhones and iPods on 4.2.1 and 4.1, while it doesn’t work on others. Despite this, it is still probably the easiest way to change your carrier.

When you install “Make it Mine,” it will appear on your springboard. You will then have options for your carrier and a banner. On the banner, you can type in anything you want, and it will appear automatically. However, when you’re trying to change your carrier, you’re going to have to press it and then respring for it to appear.

On some iPhones, “Make it Mine” doesn’t support Retina display, so it’s white. It’s unclear why it doesn’t work on some iPhones and iPods, but if you’re having trouble with it, there’s another option.

This alternative is called “Fake Operator,” which we’ve found to work just as well. When you install it, it might ask you to reboot. However, if you head over to settings and scroll down to where it says “Fake Operator,” you can toggle it on and off here. You can also type in whatever you want.

If you have “Make it Mine” installed, we don’t recommend typing anything in for “Fake Operator,” as it could interfere. However, if you do type something in, it should appear right away. If it doesn’t, you can reboot for it to appear.

And that’s it, folks! Now you know how to change your carrier logo on your iPhone or iPod Touch. Thanks for reading, and we hope this guide was helpful.