How to Burn DVD Using Windows Media Player

Are you looking for a simple way to burn your media files onto a DVD or a CD? Look no further than your very own Windows Media Player! In this tutorial, we will be showing you how to use Windows Media Player to burn your files onto a DVD or CD.

First, make sure you have a blank DVD or CD on hand. Insert it into your computer’s disc drive. Open Windows Media Player and click on the plus sign in the top left corner to switch to the library view.

Next, click on the “Burn” tab to the right of the “Play” and “Sync” options. You will see a blank space where you can drag and drop your files. Simply locate the file you want to burn and drag it into the blank space.

Once you have added all your files, click on the “Start Burn” button in the top right corner. Windows Media Player will begin burning your files onto the disc. You can monitor the progress of the burning process at the bottom of the screen.

Once the burning process is complete, your disc will automatically eject from the disc drive. You can now check to make sure the files were successfully burned onto the disc.

And there you have it, a simple way to burn your media files onto a DVD or CD using Windows Media Player. No need for any fancy software or expensive equipment. So go ahead and give it a try!