How to Build a Photo-Sharing App for Android with C++

Building a mobile app from scratch can be a daunting task, but with C++ and a few minutes, you can create a photo-sharing app for both iPhone and Android. In this tutorial, we will show you how to build a simple photo-sharing app that can take pictures and share them on social media.

To get started, open a new multi-device application in C++. Use the blank template and resize it a little bit. Then, create a layout that will act as your toolbar to hold all your buttons. Use a speed button and copy and paste it to the left. Utilize styles to make these buttons look nicer.

Now, you need to put an image down to store the images you take in here. Line this one to contents, which goes all the way to the bottom of the form even though there’s a toolbar here. Once you are done, right-click on this to say control send it back, and now you can click on the button to access the media library events.

To start taking pictures, we need to create a new standard action media library take a photo from camera action. Then, on the event handler, use image 1 to store the taken image and preview it on the forum. For sharing pictures on social media, create a new standard action media library and show share sheet action. Assign the image you saved, and you are good to go.

After you have written all the code needed, you can preview it on different devices, including an iPhone or a four-inch Android. You can also create various views specific to different devices. Tweak it a little bit on the 5.5-inch iPhone, for example.

Once you are satisfied with your app’s design and functionality, you can deploy it to Android or iPhone. Select Android, and it will find your pixel excel. Hit run without debugging, and you can take a picture and share it on social media. Repeat the same process for iPhone or iPad.

In conclusion, building a photo-sharing app for Android with C++ is easy and quick. With this tutorial, you can create a simple app that can take pictures and share them on social media. Feel free to customize the app to your liking and add more features.