How to Authorize Music on MacBook

If you’re an Apple Music user, you might have faced the issue of not being able to listen to your music library on a new computer. This is because you need to authorize your computer to access the songs that you’ve purchased or downloaded in the past. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to easily authorize your MacBook to access your Apple Music library.

Firstly, open the Apple Music app on your laptop. Once you’re in, you’ll see your music library. However, if you try to play a song, you’ll notice that it doesn’t play and instead, you’ll see a message saying that your computer is not authorized to play the song.

To fix this, you need to authorize your computer. To do so, click on the “Account” menu and select the “Authorizations” tab. Then, click on “Authorize This Computer”. You’ll need to enter your Apple ID and password, and then click on the “Authorize” button.

If you’ve exceeded the limit of five authorized computers, you’ll need to de-authorize one of your other computers first. You can do this by going to the same menu in Apple Music and clicking on “Deauthorize This Computer”.

After authorizing your MacBook, you should be able to play your music library without any issues.

In conclusion, authorizing your MacBook to access your Apple Music library is a simple process that can be done in a few clicks. By following the steps outlined above, you’ll be able to listen to your favorite songs on your new computer without any problems.