How to Add Text on PowerPoint: Tips and Tricks

PowerPoint is a powerful presentation tool that allows you to create impressive slides for your audience. One of the most important features of PowerPoint is the ability to add text to your slides. In this blog post, we’ll show you some tips and tricks for working with text in PowerPoint.

Working with text in PowerPoint is easy and similar to working in a word processing program like Microsoft Word. To insert a text box, click an existing placeholder, and your cursor will appear inside. You can type anything you want, use the space bar to add spaces, and press Enter to start a new line. If you make a mistake, press backspace or delete to fix it. You can also use your keyboard’s arrow keys to move the insertion point left, right, down, or up.

If you need to work with text in your presentation, maybe to copy and paste it or move it to a different location, you need to know how to select text first. Just click and drag your mouse over the text, then let go. You can click and drag up or down to select as many lines as you want. To select all of the text on an entire slide, go to the Select command on the Home tab and choose Select All. Pressing the Control key and A key on your keyboard at the same time will also select all text.

Once you’ve selected the text, you can copy and paste it to a different location. Just click the Copy command on the ribbon, choose where you want the text to go, and then click Paste. You can also cut and paste by selecting your text, right-clicking, and choosing Cut. The original text will disappear, and now you can paste it anywhere you want by right-clicking again.

To move a selection of text from one place to another, you can use the drag and drop method. First, select the text you want to move. Then click and drag where you want it to go. If you make a mistake or change your mind, you can use the Undo button on the toolbar to undo the last action. To the right is the redo button, which allows you to reverse the last undo.

Formatting options like font color, size, and alignment can have a big effect on your presentation. To format text in PowerPoint, you can select just the text you want or select the entire text box and format everything inside at once. You might want to start with the options in the Font group, where you’ll find lots of different features that you can play around with. In this example, we’re going to choose a different font color, a different font, and a slightly bigger size. We’re also going to format the text in italics.

If you want to change the placement or alignment of your text, take a look at the commands in the Paragraph group. Your options include left, center, right, and justified, which can be used to align paragraphs. You can also change the vertical alignment, the text direction, or add or remove bullets from your text box. These are all great ways to customize your text, so your slide looks exactly the way you want.

Finally, PowerPoint offers a find and replace feature that can save you a lot of time. To find and replace text, go to the Home tab and click the Replace command. Type the text you want to find in the “Find what” box and the text you want to replace it with in the “Replace with” box. Then click Replace or Replace All.

In conclusion, these tips and tricks will help you work with text in PowerPoint like a pro. By mastering these basics, you can create impressive slides that communicate your message effectively to your audience.