How Much Space Does the Xbox One S Have?

Next-gen consoles are just around the corner, and everyone is excited to experience their new features. However, one of the biggest concerns that everyone has about next-gen consoles is how much storage they’re going to have. With games getting bigger and bigger and with the super fast storage that both the Series X/S and PlayStation 5s are going to have, it’s kind of paltry in the next-gen consoles. Understandably, it would have been expensive to put two terabytes in each one, but with games going to be like 250 gigabytes each, the storage that’s built into these consoles is not going to go too far, and you’re going to have to get extra storage right away.

The Xbox Series S is Microsoft’s budget console, and it will only have 364 gigabytes of storage available for games and applications. According to a Reddit user who appears to have obtained the digital-only console ahead of release, around 148 gigabytes of its 512 gigabyte SSD is reserved for operating system functions. If true, the figure would closely match the storage space reserved in the original Xbox One for OS functions.

Of course, the texture packs are going to be smaller on the Xbox Series S, and the assets are going to be smaller on the Series S, so the game downloads will be smaller and take up a smaller footprint on your Series S console. However, 364 gigabytes, even with that, is a pathetically low amount of storage. Microsoft made it easy to get an external SSD, which is still going to be expensive. If you get a mechanical drive, it’s going to be slower, but you’re still going to have to get some kind of storage. If you want the fast transfers to your USB 3.1 drive, you’re going to have to get an external SSD drive, and they’re not cheap either. In most cases, you might as well just get that proprietary storage made by Seagate for the Series S and X.

The reason why these videos are being made is that if you think that you could just buy the console and be on your way without buying storage, you have to know that it’s not just going to be 299 before tax or 4.99 before tax for these consoles because you’re going to need more storage for the Series X, Series S, PlayStation 5, and especially the PlayStation 5 digital edition and especially the Series S. The two digital consoles prepare right away to open your wallets. So there’s a lot more to these consoles than just buying the system and going home and playing.

In conclusion, if you plan on buying any of these consoles, especially the Xbox Series S, prepare to invest more money in 9th gen. These consoles are much more than just buying the system and going home to play.