How Much Does LiveText Cost: A Guide to the Coolest Feature of iOS 15

The latest iOS 15 update has introduced a feature that has everyone talking: LiveText. This feature is a game-changer for iOS users, as it allows for the extraction of text from any image. Whether you want to copy text from a screenshot, a photo of a document, or even a napkin, LiveText makes it possible.

The process is simple: all you need to do is snap a picture of the text using your iPhone’s Camera app (only available for iPhone 10s or above), and LiveText will automatically detect the text on the image. You can then select and copy the text as you would with any other text.

LiveText is incredibly accurate, even on poor-quality images. It can distinguish between text and other elements in the image, such as logos or graphics, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally copying irrelevant text.

To use LiveText, you need to have iOS 15 installed on your device. Once you have the update, simply open your Camera app and take a picture of the text you want to extract. Then, zoom in on the image and press down on the text you want to copy. LiveText will automatically detect the text, and you can select and copy it from there.

LiveText is a free feature that comes with the iOS 15 update. There are no additional costs or fees associated with using LiveText. It’s a built-in feature that can be used by anyone with an iPhone 10s or above.

In conclusion, LiveText is one of the coolest features of iOS 15. It’s a game-changer for anyone who needs to extract text from images, and it’s incredibly accurate and easy to use. And the best part? It’s completely free! So, if you have an iPhone 10s or above and haven’t updated to iOS 15 yet, what are you waiting for? Upgrade now and start using LiveText today!