How Much Data Does Bluetooth Use for Streaming Music?

Streaming music is one of the most common activities on smartphones today. People listen to their favorite artists, discover new songs, and create playlists for different moods and occasions. However, one concern that many users have is how much data streaming music consumes, especially when using cellular data.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how much data it takes to stream music from a music streaming service like Google Play Music. First, it’s essential to make sure that there are no other apps that could be using data. Then, go to Settings > Cellular and reset the data statistics to zero bytes.

Next, select your music streaming app and start playing music. For this test, the author chose to stream country music for 30 minutes. After stopping the music and timer, they checked the data usage for the Google Play Music app for the last 30 minutes. It consumed 42.1 megabytes of data, which is approximately 100 megabytes per hour.

Therefore, if you’re streaming music, one gigabyte of cellular data will give you around ten hours of audio playback. This means that streaming one hour of music will only consume about 100 megabytes of data. However, it’s worth noting that downloading music for offline playback is recommended, as it saves data and allows you to listen to music without an internet connection.

In summary, streaming music from a music streaming service like Google Play Music consumes approximately 100 megabytes of data per hour. While it’s not a significant amount of data, it’s still advisable to download your favorite songs for offline playback and save cellular data whenever possible.