How Many Discs Can a PS5 Hold: Avoiding the Common Mistake

The PlayStation 5 is one of the most popular gaming consoles on the market today, but even the most devoted fans may not know the correct way to insert a game disc. In fact, inserting a disc in the wrong direction is the one thing that most PlayStation 5 users do wrong, and it can end up costing you hundreds of dollars in repair bills.

Believe it or not, some PlayStation users have inserted their game discs upside down, leading the console to believe that the disc drive is broken. A Reddit user even had to pay a service fee to Sony, only to find out that they were inserting the disc upside down the whole time. In this article, we’ll show you how to avoid this costly mistake.

The correct way to place a disc in the PS5 is to make sure that the game’s disc label is facing the power and eject buttons on the console. It’s that simple. Checking this before you put the game in will save you from any issues. You can even place the console horizontally if you find yourself accidentally inserting the disc in the wrong direction.

If you do accidentally insert the disc upside down, don’t panic. The solution is quite simple. Don’t press the eject button right away. Instead, wait a few minutes until the console realizes that the disc is unreadable, and then press the eject button. If your PlayStation refuses to eject the disc, restart the system and try again. In most situations, simply waiting for the disc to stop spinning and then pressing the eject button should allow the disc to come right out with no problems.

In conclusion, it’s essential to avoid the common mistake of inserting a disc in the wrong direction in your PlayStation 5. By following the simple steps outlined above, you can avoid costly repair bills and enjoy your gaming experience to the fullest. So, how many discs can a PS5 hold? It doesn’t matter, as long as you insert them the right way!