How Long Do WiFi Extenders Last: A Guide to Improving Your Signal

If your Wi-Fi extender is filling a vital function, then you may want to consider replacing it every three to five years or if you notice a degradation in performance.

Do you have a weak WiFi connection at home? It can be tempting to buy an inexpensive range extender to boost your signal. However, these extenders may not be the best solution for improving your WiFi. In this article, we’ll explain why range extenders aren’t the best option and what you should do instead.

How WiFi Extenders Work

A WiFi extender catches the signal from your existing router and re-transmits it to devices that are far away. However, range extenders have some downsides. First of all, they pick up a signal that’s already a little weak, so they may not increase your speeds too much. Additionally, some extenders broadcast on a separate SSID or network name, requiring you to manually switch between networks as you move around your house.

Another issue is that devices often stubbornly stay connected to a specific access point, even if there’s a stronger one available. This means that if you walk away from your router and get closer to your range extender, your device may stay connected to the weaker router signal. This defeats the whole purpose of the extender in the first place.

Pairing a WiFi Range Extender with a router that uses a different generation of WiFi or has a different number of antennas just makes the problem worse. So, if you’re not closely comparing product specs, it’s an easy mistake to make.

Alternatives to a WiFi Extender

So, what should you do if you have a weak WiFi signal at home? One solution is to get a more powerful router with more antennas and spatial streams. Another option is to stop using the built-in Wireless on your off-the-shelf router and instead get a separate wireless access point. This connects to your main router via Ethernet cable and has better range than the typical consumer-grade wireless router.

Mesh routers are another option. These are expandable kits that you use by placing nodes around your house wherever you might need the most signal. Unlike repeaters, these nodes are specifically designed to work together by providing better roaming for your devices so they’ll switch more intelligently. Better mesh kits will even place the backhaul, or the traffic that flows between the nodes, on an entirely different frequency, freeing up bandwidth for your phones and computers.


In conclusion, range extenders may seem like an easy fix for a weak WiFi signal, but they have many downsides. Instead, consider upgrading your router, getting a separate wireless access point, or investing in a mesh router for better signal coverage. Remember to compare product specs carefully before making a purchase to ensure compatibility with your existing technology. With these tips, you can improve your WiFi signal and enjoy a faster, smoother online experience.


Why do WiFi extenders stop working?
This kind of issue can occur if the extender does not have the latest firmware. Process: Make sure the extender is connected to the power adapter provided and into a live power outlet. Make sure the extender is within the Wi-Fi range of the wireless router and client device is connected to the extenders network.
Is it OK to leave WiFi extender on all the time?
Yes, it should turn on all the time. The extender uses to increase the wifi area. Whenever you will turn it off, it won't work well. So, always keep on your extender.
Do WiFi extenders cut out?
Why Do Wireless Extenders Drop Out? Your wireless extender could be dropping out for any number of reasons, including out-of-date software, power outages, and integration issues with your router and cable modem.
How can you tell if your WiFi extender is working?
Go to Settings >, Status to view the Internet status of your extender. The extender runs normally. The extender fails to connect to the host networks. Please go to Settings >, Wireless >, Connect to Network to check the passwords of the host networks.