How Long Do Instagram Stories Last: Tips for Longer Videos

Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms, and Instagram Stories are a great way to share your daily life with your followers. However, the platform can be frustrating when you want to upload a video longer than 15 seconds. But don’t worry, there are ways to easily make longer videos for your Instagram Stories.

One way to do this is to hold down the record button for longer than 15 seconds. Once you start recording, keep your thumb down after the circle is complete, and it will keep rolling. You will see a second clip appear, which means it’s going from 15 seconds to past the 15 seconds into another clip, and so on. This way, you can make a longer video that is more than 15 seconds.

Another way to make a longer video is to use a previously uploaded video. Instagram will cut the video down into three clips if it’s longer than 15 seconds. Then you can share it to your story, and your followers will see it as a longer video.

These are two easy ways to make longer videos for your Instagram Stories. You don’t have to worry about the 15-second limit anymore. By using these tips, you can share more content with your followers and keep them engaged.

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