How Does Seek HD Work and Why You Should Be Concerned About It

Have you ever wondered how someone can track your location to anywhere in the world? It’s a scary thought, but it’s a reality. In this article, we’ll dive deep into how Seek HD works and what you can do to protect yourself.

The creator of the Seek HD technique, Leon Sagan, discovered it the hard way. He was flying to Los Angeles to attend a two-day event, but he had to leave early. Upon landing in Dallas, he received a message saying, “wow welcome back to Dallas I can’t believe you were gone for so long we should totally hang out.” This message freaked him out because he didn’t tell anyone he was leaving, and everyone thought he was still in Los Angeles. He then discovered that someone was able to track his location using a technique called Seek HD.

So, how does Seek HD work? It all revolves around an IP logger and a URL shortener. When you click on a Seek HD link, it takes you to an IP logger code that generates a short URL. This URL contains all the information about your location, including your IP address, country, and city. The hacker can then send this URL to you via text, email, or WhatsApp. When you click on the link, it takes you to a website, but on the back end, the hacker can see your exact location.

However, it’s important to note that Seek HD is not 100% accurate. While it can get your location down to your city, it cannot get your exact address. The accuracy of Seek HD depends on IP geolocation, which matches your IP address to your country, city, and state. It’s relatively easy to match your IP address to your country, but matching it to your city and state is more difficult.

The reason for this is because your ISP sets up your IP address in a specific way. Your ISP uses a public-facing IP address and a private IP address. The public-facing IP address is what Seek HD uses to track your location, while the private IP address is what you use to communicate on your internal Wi-Fi network. Your ISP routes all your IP addresses via their central hub in their area and broadcasts it as your IP address. This makes it difficult for Seek HD to get your exact location.

To protect yourself from Seek HD, you can test it on yourself by sending yourself a Seek HD link and checking what information it contains. You can also install a VPN that can mask your location by making it seem like you’re coming from another city or country.

In conclusion, Seek HD is a real thing, and you should be concerned about it. While it’s not 100% accurate, it’s still scary to think that someone can track your location to anywhere in the world. By testing it on yourself and using a VPN, you can protect yourself from Seek HD.