How Do WiFi Antennas Work?

How Do WiFi Antennas Work? Wireless devices use radio waves to wirelessly communicate with each other. These wireless signals are simply electromagnetic waves (EM waves) containing packets of information. WiFi antennas convert the EM waves into electrical signals, and vice versa .

Antennas are a crucial component of any wireless communication system, including WiFi networks. They are responsible for transmitting and receiving electromagnetic waves, which carry information between devices. In this article, we will explain how antennas work, specifically in the context of WiFi networks.

Firstly, let’s understand what coaxial cable is. Coaxial cables have a shield on the outside, an insulator, and a center conductor that runs power to the antenna. This is important because if two wires are placed side-by-side, the current flows cancel each other out. However, if the wires are separated and the current flows in the same direction across a plane, electromagnetic energy is generated, which allows us to generate RF energy that can be radiated outwards. This is how an antenna works: it transmits electromagnetic energy into space.

A simple dipole antenna is when two wires are split in different directions. Current flows in the same direction across a plane, generating an energy field that radiates outwards. Most antennas, including those used in WiFi networks, act similarly to dipole antennas.

But how does an antenna receive energy? It captures energy radiated by other antennas and transfers it down to the feed point. This energy can then be amplified or used directly in a system.

In summary, antennas are essential for wireless communication and are responsible for transmitting and receiving electromagnetic waves. Understanding how they work is crucial for optimizing WiFi networks.


How do external WiFi antennas work?
The receiving antennas pick up on the EM waves and convert them into electrical signals. In contrast, the transmitting antennas convert electrical signals into EM waves. A WiFi antenna converts these data packets to EM waves for data processing.
Is WiFi antenna effective?
WiFi signal gets absorbed and blocked by walls and metallic surfaces and so the WiFi router antenna position makes a huge difference in the WiFi speed and how strong the WiFi signal is throughout your house.
How far can a WiFi antenna reach?
Wi-Fi is generally considered a short-distance wireless communication technology used to build local networks. But with the right antenna, Wi-Fi signals can reach 15 kilometers (km) (over 9 miles). Wi-Fi signals can travel through thin walls or isolated vegetation but not through large buildings or stands of trees.
How should WiFi antennas be positioned?
Antennas should all be oriented in the same direction, pointing vertically out of the sensor. If the sensor is mounted flat on it's back on a horizontal surface, you should bend the antenna as close to the sensor housing as possible giving you the most amount of antenna pointing vertical.