How Do I Snap an App on Xbox One?

The Xbox One is a powerful gaming console that can do more than just play games. One of its features is the ability to snap an app, which is essentially picture-in-picture. This means you can play a game and have another app open at the same time, such as your TV tuner or even your achievements.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to use the Xbox One snap feature. For this demo, we’ll be using Gears of War as our game and the Sling TV app as our snap-in app. Sling TV is a paid subscription for cable TV that gives you access to 20 channels.

To start, hit the Xbox button to go back to the main screen and then use the left analog controller to push to the left. This will bring up a menu with a snap icon at the bottom. Click on this icon to see all the apps that are available to snap on. You’ll see things like achievements, YouTube, one guide for TV, and sling television.

Next, select the app you want to snap on, in this case, Sling TV, and hit the A green button. Sling TV will start up, and you’ll see that about 70% of the screen is still running Gears of War in the background, while the rest shows Sling TV. You can move up and down to change channels, and the volume is equal on both.

To control Gears of War again, hit the Xbox button to go back to the main screen, navigate to the left, and hit the green button to get back to Gears of War. You can watch TV but can’t move back and forth between Sling TV and Gears of War without hitting the Xbox button.

To unsnap an app, go back to the main screen and move to the left. You’ll see an unsnap option that will unsnap the app you have open. To change the volume, go to settings, then display and sound, and finally, volume. Use the sound mix to adjust the volume.

In conclusion, snapping an app on Xbox One is a cool feature that allows you to multitask while playing a game. It’s easy to do, and you can snap almost any app, making it a useful tool for gamers.