How Accurate Is Google Fit?

As people become more health-conscious, they tend to rely more on digital fitness apps to monitor their physical activity. Google Fit is one such app that has become increasingly popular among fitness enthusiasts. However, there have been concerns about the accuracy of the app’s data.

In this post, we will explore the accuracy of Google Fit and compare it with Samsung Health, another popular fitness app. We will also use an online tool to verify the results and see which app is more accurate.

Firstly, it is important to note that Google Fit and Samsung Health use different units of measurement for calories. Google Fit uses Calories with a capital C, also known as large calories, whereas Samsung Health uses kilocalories. However, both units are the same in terms of fitness.

Google Fit records not only your exercise but also your resting energy and routine activities, which is known as the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This explains why Google Fit records higher calorie data than Samsung Health, which only uses activity data.

To test the accuracy of both apps, the author went for a 12-minute walk and tracked their steps and calories using Google Fit, Samsung Health, and Strava. The results showed that Google Fit recorded 62 calories burnt while Samsung Health recorded 94 calories burnt. However, it should be noted that Samsung Health measures more data, including elevation data, which can cause variations in the recorded calories.

To eliminate confusion, the author used an online tool called Omni Calculator, which calculated that on average, covering 1300 steps would burn 59 calories at an average speed. From their test, Google Fit recorded 62 calories burnt, which is accurate.

In the next test, the author compared the data recorded by Google Fit and Samsung Health during a badminton battle. After half an hour, Google Fit recorded 277 calories burnt, while Samsung Health recorded 298 calories burnt. Samsung Health recorded more burnt calories than Google Fit, but both apps use different algorithms to calculate data, so a direct comparison can be challenging.

In conclusion, Google Fit is an accurate digital fitness app that can be used for rough estimations. However, it is important to note that these apps do not know your overall health and exercise patterns, so they should not be relied on entirely.