Describe How Mashups Create New Benefits and Functionality from Existing Data or Information

In this article, we will be discussing enterprise data measures and how they create new benefits and functionality from existing data or information. Enterprise data measures combine business data and applications from multiple sources, both internal and external, to create an integrated experience.

In any organization, there is usually one internal data source and multiple applications generating data within the organization. If integrated tools or ERP is not being used, the data will not be in the same format. Similarly, in the case of external data, there will be different formats from multiple sources. To address this, we need to combine business data and applications of the software from multiple sources to create an integrated experience.

Enterprise measures provide a tool to select and combine data from various sources and put it into one application. This application is known as a mashup, which combines data from various business systems and external sources in real-time without relying on a middle step.

There are various types of enterprise mashups, such as customer data measures, logistics displays, and human resource data matchups. Customer data measures provide a quick view of customer data from a salesperson’s perspective, while logistics displays inventory for a group of department stores based on specific criteria. Human resource data matchups provide a quick glance at employee data, such as profiles, salary ratings, variable status, and activities.

The benefits of enterprise data measures include reducing the time and effort needed to combine disparate data sources, allowing users to define their own data mashups, importing external data sources, building complex queries by non-experts with a drag-and-drop query building tool, and providing a mechanism to easily customize and share knowledge throughout the company.

In conclusion, enterprise data measures and mashups create new benefits and functionality from existing data or information. They provide a tool to select and combine data from various sources to create an integrated experience and allow for customization and sharing of knowledge throughout the company.