How Much Battery Does Netflix Use?

If you’re someone who likes to stream movies or TV shows on the go, you might be wondering how much cellular data Netflix uses. In this post, we’ll go over the different settings available on the Netflix application and how much data each one uses. First, it’s important to note that the Netflix application allows … Read more

How Many Watts Does a 4K TV Use?

If you’re wondering how much power your 4K TV consumes, you’re not alone. Many people are curious about this, given the rising cost of electricity. In this article, we’ll take a look at the power consumption of a 50-inch LED smart TV. The model we’ll be testing in this post is the JVC 50-inch LED … Read more

How Much Electric Does Alexa Use?

Have you ever wondered how much electric your Amazon Echo Dot generation 3 uses? We’ve got you covered with a power consumption test using a device called the kilowatt. First, we observed the power consumption when the device was idle or on standby. The maximum we observed was 1.6 watts. When the device is called … Read more