How to Delete Folders in Email

Are you tired of having cluttered email folders that you no longer need? Gmail makes it easy to tidy up your inbox by allowing you to delete any unwanted folders. In this guide, we’ll explain how to quickly delete a folder from your Gmail inbox. First, make sure you are logged into Google and in … Read more

How to Open .face File on Android

If you’re wondering how to open a PDF file on your Android phone, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll guide you through the process of opening a PDF file on your Samsung Galaxy S21. To begin with, go back to your home screen by tapping on the home key at the … Read more

How to Use Genius on iTunes

If you’re an iTunes user, you probably know about the Genius feature. However, you might not be using it to its full potential. In this blog post, we’ll go over how to use Genius on iTunes to discover new songs and rediscover old ones. Firstly, you can activate or deactivate Genius from the file menu … Read more