Are you tired of your Windows PC automatically restarting or shutting down? It can be frustrating, especially when you’re in the middle of something important. Luckily, there are two easy ways to fix this issue.
Method 1: Go to your Start and type “advanced”. Click on “Advanced System Settings” and select “Startup and Recovery”. Uncheck the option that says “Automatically Restart”. This will prevent your PC from restarting and give you a message indicating the problem, whether it’s a hardware or software issue.
Method 2: Press Windows + R and type “regedit”. Go to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”, “SOFTWARE”, “Policies”, “Microsoft”, and “Windows”. Right-click and select “New” and then “Key”. Type “WindowsUpdate” and press Enter. Right-click again and select “New” and then “Key”. Type “AU” and press Enter. Right-click once more and select “New” and then “DWORD (32-bit) Value”. Type “NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers” and set the value to 0.
Try these easy methods and hopefully one of them will fix your restarting/shutdown issue. It’s that simple!