Mapped Drive Not Showing All Folders: How to Fix It?

Are you facing issues with mapped network drives not showing up on Windows 11? This can be frustrating, especially when you can’t see the network drive under File Explorer or it doesn’t show all folders/files. But don’t worry, there are several methods to fix this issue.

Method 1: Using Registry Editor

Microsoft uses User Account Control (UAC) to prevent malicious programs from damaging the system. This may be the reason for the mapped network drive not showing issue. You can try fixing it through Registry Editor by following these steps:

1. Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog.

2. Type regedit and press Enter to open Registry Editor.

3. Locate this directory: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem

4. Right-click on the registry subkey and create a new DWORD Value.

5. Name the new value as EnableLinkedConnections and modify the Value data to 1.

6. Click OK to save the new value and exit.

7. Restart the computer.

Method 2: Configuring Proxy and SMB

If the above method did not work, you could try the other two methods to see if your Windows recognize the network drive better. Here’s how:

1. Press Windows + I to open Settings.

2. Navigate to Network & Internet – Proxy.

3. Add a script to manually configure the proxy so it can be managed easily.

4. Turn on the SMB Features in Windows 11.

5. Type programs and features in the search box and click Turn Windows features on or off to open Windows Features window.

6. Scroll down to find the features that started with SMB.

7. Make sure that all SMB folders were checked here.

8. Click OK and reboot the computer so that the changes can take effect.

Method 3: Using File Explorer

If your Windows 11 mapped drive is not showing all folders/files, the reason may be that the folders/files are hidden on the NAS drives, including mapped network drive. You can try the following to show them normally:

1. Click on View tab – Show – Hidden Items.

2. Once you have finished this process, all hidden drives, folders, and files should appear in their original location.

An Alternative Solution: AOMEI Backupper Standard

If you’re looking for a quicker solution, you can use AOMEI Backupper Standard to sync drives/files/folders from one computer to another without mapping them. It allows you to sync files/folders to multiple destinations, including network drive, NAS, cloud storage, external drive. It also enables you to create automatic sync tasks with its Schedule feature, which can help you get changes regularly by syncing files daily/weekly/monthly.

Here’s how you can sync folders on your computer to a network location so you can access files from one computer to another:

1. Create a new folder on the target Windows 11 computer where you originally wanted to map the drive and open Windows 11 File Sharing first.

2. Change the folder network access to Everyone.

3. Launch AOMEI Backupper, choose Sync – Basic Sync.

4. Click Add Folder and select the folder you want to access on the other computer.

5. Click Add Share or NAS Devices and enter the destination network path for the new folder you created earlier.

6. Confirm all your settings and click on Start Sync to perform the operation.


This article has provided you with three methods to fix the issue of Windows 11 mapped hard drive not showing up. You can choose to fix this problem or choose AOMEI Backupper to access files on other computers. Besides, AOMEI Backupper can provide comprehensive protection for your computer. If you have created a system backup in advance, you can quickly restore your Windows 11 computer to normal after you encounter some system problems.