How to Open HTML File in Chrome: A Beginner’s Guide

Configuring Chrome to open the Doc/Index. html file In Windows, go to Start >, All Programs >, Accessories >, Run. ... In the Run dialog box, click Browse. ... In the Browse dialog box, navigate to the Google directory, select the Chrome application and then click Open. More items...

Opening an HTML file in a browser is a common task for web developers. If you’re new to web development and wondering how to open an HTML file on Chrome or any other browser, you’re in the right place. In this tutorial, we’ll talk about the easiest way to do so.

Before we begin, create a sample HTML file using Notepad or Notepad++. You can write the HTML code in the file, including the body and head tags. Once you’ve created the HTML file, save it by going to File > Save As. Give it a name with the “.html” file extension, which is crucial for HTML files.

Now, let’s talk about how to open the HTML file in a browser. There are a few ways to do so. The easiest way is to double-click on the file if you have already set your browser as the default app for opening HTML files. This will open the file in your browser.

If your browser is not set as the default app, you can right-click on the file and go to “Open With.” From there, choose your browser or select “Other Apps” if your browser is not listed. You can then find the browser you want to use under “More Apps” and select it. Once you’ve chosen your browser, click “OK,” and the file will open.

Another way to open an HTML file on Chrome is to drag and drop it into a new tab on your browser. Open a new tab in your browser, select the HTML file from the folder where you saved it, and drag it to the new tab. The file will open automatically.

These are the easiest ways to open an HTML file on Chrome or any other browser. No matter which method you choose, you’re just a few clicks away from viewing your HTML file in a browser.

We hope this beginner’s guide has helped you learn how to open HTML files on Chrome. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.


How do I open HTML code in browser?
Open your browser and navigate to the page for which you wish to view the HTML.Right-click on the page to open the right-click menu after the page finishes loading.Click the menu item that allows you to view the source. ... When the source page opens, you'll see the HTML code for the full page.
How do I open an HTML file in Chrome VS code?
For single html file, in VS 2022, you can click File >, View in Browser (Ctrl + Shift + W) to preview it(or right-click the white space of this single html file >, click View in Browser ). Besides, you can select File >, Browse With… >, Set as Default to change other browsers as the default browser.
Why my HTML file is not opening in browser?
Check if the file is saved with a UTF-8 encoding. If that doesn't work, try installing another browser or using Edge/Safari/Internet Explorer or whatever built-in browser you have. In case someone is still struggling with this, try saving your files before you open them. That fixed the problem for me.