Have you ever received an email with an attachment that contains another email in the form of an MSG file? If you don’t have Outlook or if you’re not on a computer that has Outlook, you won’t be able to open it without using a viewer. In this post, we’ll show you a way to do it online and a free little app that you can download to read it as well.
First, let’s try the online method. There is a website called encryptomatic.com viewer that offers a free online MSG and EML viewer. If you have an email file, you can use this for that too. To get started, choose the file you want to view and click on view. It will upload the file and then show you the actual email, including pictures, formatting, and sent time. If the email has an attachment, it will download the attachment out of the email message.
If you prefer to have a program on your computer, you can download the Mail Viewer app. Just open it up after you install it, click on File and Open, and choose the file you want to view. You can view everything there, including pictures, formatting, and html text headers. You can also delete, print, or report it. If the email has an attachment, it will open it up right inside the viewer program, and you can save it if you want to.
Whether you choose the online method or the app, these two methods are simple, free, and effective. You don’t need Outlook to open and view an MSG file. Try these methods and see how easy it is to open .MSG file.
So, if you need any assistance opening these outlook MSG files, you could give these two methods a shot. Hope this guide helps!