UPS How Much Does a Driver Make?

Welcome back guys! First and foremost, I want to thank you for showing love and support on my very first video. I appreciate the comments and feedback. Today, we’re going to talk about how much a UPS driver makes.

I am an RPCD or a regular package car driver in the southern region. We’re unionized, and our pay scale is on an hourly basis. After four years of service, you’ll reach the maximum salary of a 30-year driver.

Here’s a rundown of the pay scale for an RPCD driver. In your first year, you’ll make $21/hour, and after 12 months, you’ll receive a raise to $23/hour. In your second year, after 24 months of service, you’ll receive another raise to $24/hour.

After 36 months, you’ll make $28.75/hour, and in your fourth year, you’ll make $41.51/hour. I work around 2,600 hours a year, averaging about 10 hours of overtime a week.

As an RPCD driver, you’ll rarely work just 40 hours a week. It’s usually around 50 hours, so be prepared for that. However, financially, it’s worth it, and the health insurance and other benefits are great.

If you’re looking for a job that takes care of your family and you can physically do it, UPS is an excellent option for you. Sacrificing family time may be required, but it pays off financially.

I hope this video helps you understand the pay progression of a UPS driver. Hit that like button and subscribe if you want to see more fun Vlogs!