The Ultimate Guide: How to Remove a Timeout on Discord

Discord has recently implemented a new feature called “Timeout,” which allows server moderators or admins to temporarily ban a user for one minute, five minutes, ten minutes, one hour, one day, or one week. However, sometimes it may become necessary to remove a user’s timeout, and that’s where this guide comes in.

Firstly, it’s essential to note that the timeout feature replaces the traditional mute command on Discord. Moderators or admins can give the timeout to users who have broken server rules, such as mass pinging or spamming. To give a user a timeout, right-click on their profile, and select the “Timeout” button.

Unfortunately, with the new timeout feature, there is no option to set a specific duration. Instead, users are given six preset options to choose from. After selecting the amount of time, provide an optional reason that will be shown in the audit log before hitting “Confirm” to put the user into timeout.

Once a user has been timed out, every moderator or admin in the server will see a red timer icon next to their name until they are removed from it. The timed-out user will receive two messages and will be unable to chat, reply, react, or join voice channels and stage channels.

However, if you need to remove a user’s timeout, right-click on their profile and select “Remove Timeout” and then click “Confirm.” This will allow the user to freely communicate again.

In conclusion, Discord’s timeout feature has replaced the traditional mute command, but it’s just as easy to use. To remove a timeout on Discord, right-click on the timed-out user’s profile and select “Remove Timeout” and then click “Confirm.”

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