How WWW is Different from Internet

The terms “Internet” and “World Wide Web” are often used interchangeably, but in reality, they are two distinct concepts. In this article, we will explore the differences between the two and how they work.

To understand the evolution of the Internet and the Web, we need to go back to the 1960s. The US Department of Defense funded a research project called the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) to develop protocols that would allow computers to interconnect with each other using digital communication, regardless of their geographical location. The first research network was created for academic and scientific purposes, connecting a small group of university campuses, research institutions, and companies. By the early 1980s, the network had grown to a few hundred.

At the same time, other networks were being created using different protocols, such as x.25 and Usenet. The problem was that people using these networks wanted to interconnect with each other, but they had to use the same protocols. This problem led to the invention of a global unique suite of protocols called TCP/IP, which paved the way for the advent of the Internet.

The Internet is a global network of networks, whether they are private, public, academic, business, or government. There are millions of interconnected networks out there, making it a truly global network. All we have here is a global network of interconnected computers via cables or wireless media, using the global TCP/IP suite of protocols. This network gave rise to various services such as mobile apps, electronic mail, file-sharing, the World Wide Web, online games, Internet telephony, and many more.

The World Wide Web, or simply the Web, is probably the most commonly used service on the Internet. It allows people to search, get, and share data, making it the most influential application in the world. The Web is a virtual system that interconnects resources on the Internet, such as documents, images, and videos, via hyperlinks and references with Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI). Web pages are created using HTML for structuring the page, CSS to style it, and scripting languages to add interactivity to the page, making it more user-friendly.

In summary, the Internet is a global network of networks, while the Web is a system of interconnected resources presented in web pages or websites. The Internet provides the infrastructure for various services, including the Web, while the Web is just one of the many services built on top of the Internet.

In conclusion, understanding the differences between the Internet and the Web is crucial, especially for web developers and IT professionals. Knowing how they work and how they are distinct from each other will give you a better understanding of the evolution of the digital world.