How to Use Supernote: A Guide for Beginners

If you’re new to the Supernote, you might be wondering how to get started with this powerful note-taking device. In this guide, we’ll go over some basic features that you might want to know when getting started using an A5x or A6X Supernote.

Let’s begin with features specific to different types of files. The main ones I use on Supernote are notes, PDFs, and ebooks. Notes are basically notebooks, so you can write on them, erase what you wrote, move it around, and you can change what type of paper you wrote on by changing your templates. Just go in your options, tap on templates, and you can choose from all the templates installed on your Supernote. You can also have more than one template per notebook.

A cool thing about notes on Supernote is that you can add titles to them. Titles are like a table of contents, or like tabs in a paper notebook: they help you navigate from section to section really easily. To make a title, first we have to take the lasso tool, select what you want to turn into a title and tap on the title icon.

There are two main types of PDFs that I keep on my Supernote. Here’s an example of a PDF planner. This particular one is hyperlinked and that makes it really easy to go from the monthly view to the daily view and just generally navigate around. Sometimes I see people ask if they can use a planner made for another device on their Supernote. Generally, the answer to this is “yes” but there’s a catch. If you’re thinking of buying a planner that wasn’t originally made for the Supernote, take into account the margins and layout.

So what’s it like to read a PDF on the Supernote? You can zoom into a pdf in increments of 50% and then you can move around the page by either swiping or by using the little navigation box in the corner. Most of the PDFs I have on there, I might need to read only a paragraph or two at a time or I’m using it as a paperless alternative to printing out stuff for my various hobbies. But if you’re planning on reading a lot of academic articles you might want to think about if this PDF handling is enough for you, because it’s not very robust at the moment.

There are two ways of reading your ebooks on the Supernote: there’s the Kindle app, and of course there’s the Supernote default reader. The kindle app works basically like the Android app because it is the Android app. And everything you can do on that app you can pretty much do on this one: change the layout, sync your reading… When it comes to the default reader, it’s a little bit basic but it works pretty smoothly and of course the upside is that you can write on your book pages and you can use other Supernote features.

Let’s talk about some Supernote-specific features: quick access, stars, keywords and digest. Except for digest, which doesn’t work in notes, these features work in all of the file types that we just covered. Quick access is really easy to use. You can star your most important files and they’ll show up in quick access. You can also use keywords to quickly find files. And digest is a feature that automatically summarizes your notes.

In conclusion, the Supernote is a powerful note-taking device that can handle a variety of file types. With its many features and capabilities, it can help you stay organized and productive. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone who likes to keep track of their thoughts, the Supernote is definitely worth considering.