How to Use Stacks in Mojave: A Comprehensive Guide

Apple’s latest operating system, Mac OS Mojave, has introduced an array of new features and changes. One of the most notable additions is Stacks, a new way to organize files on your desktop. If you’re tired of a cluttered desktop, Stacks might just be the solution you need.

To enable Stacks, click the View tab in the menu bar, and then click on Stacks. Instantly, all of your files will be organized into separate stacks. By default, these stacks are organized by kind, such as PDF documents, music, movies, and screenshots. All other files, including disk image and zip files, will go into a stack named “Other.” Folders, on the other hand, will be kept separate and automatically sorted below the stacks.

When you add a new folder, it will be added below your stacks. If you add a file onto the desktop, it will automatically be added to the corresponding stack, unless it’s the only one of its kind. For example, if you add one JPEG image onto the desktop, it will go below the stacks. If you add another JPEG image, a new “Images” stack will be created, and both images will go inside of it.

Clicking on a stack will expand all the files inside of it and make them directly accessible from the desktop. This is unlike a folder, which you would have to double-click to open. Furthermore, all the stacks and folders below the stack that you open will move to a separate column, ensuring that they won’t get mixed up with your files.

If you right-click on the desktop, you can change how the stacks are grouped. They are currently grouped by kind, but you can group them by date created, date last opened, or by tags. Sorting the files by kind can help if you’re grouping your stacks by anything other than kind. You can also sort the inside of the stacks by different options, such as date last opened, so the most recently opened file will show up at the top of the list.

If you want to stop using Stacks, you can simply choose “None” within the group stacks options. Additionally, there are a whole list of options available when you right-click on a stack, such as making a new folder out of all the files within the stack, sharing, copying, and performing some quick actions, which is new to Mac OS.

Using Stacks in Mojave can help you keep your desktop organized and tidy. It’s a convenient feature that saves time and makes it easier to find the files you need. Give it a try and see for yourself!