How to Use SharePoint to Share Files Anonymously

SharePoint is a powerful tool for sharing files and collaborating with colleagues. But what if you want to share a file with someone who isn’t a member of your organization or doesn’t have access to your SharePoint site? In this scenario, you need to share the file anonymously. This means anyone can open it, even if they don’t have an account for your work or school.

So, how can you safely share a file that anyone can use? Let’s take a look at the steps to follow.

First, you need to select the file you want to share and choose “share” from the toolbar. Then, select the link setting button. In the link settings window, you’ll be asked who you want the link to work for. By default, it’s set to “people in [your organization],” but you’ll want to change it to “Anyone with the link.”

If this option is greyed-out for you, contact your SharePoint administrator and they can turn it on. Next, you can configure the link settings to determine what people can do with the link once they have it. For example, you may want to allow them to view the file but not edit it. You can also set an expiry date for the link and block the download so that everyone has to view the file in the browser and can’t edit it offline.

Once you’ve applied these settings, you can send the link to anyone you like, either from inside or outside your organization. You can add as many people as you like to the “to” line, and if they are external people, you just need to type their full email address.

When the recipients receive the email from SharePoint, they’ll see a link to your file. They can open it up in their browser without being asked to sign in, and they won’t be able to edit the file or download it. After 30 days, the link will expire and no longer work for them.

In conclusion, sharing files anonymously with SharePoint is a great way to collaborate with people outside your organization. By following these simple steps, you can share a file safely and securely, knowing that only the people you want to have access to it will be able to view it.