How to Use Emojis on Instagram

Instagram is a popular social media platform where people share photos, videos, and stories with their followers. However, the app also has a direct messaging feature where you can chat with your friends and followers. In this article, we will discuss how to react with more emojis on Instagram while chatting with your friends.

If you have Instagram installed and want to chat with your friends, you can click on the messaging icon and then go to your contact list or followers list that you’ve chatted with. To react to a message, all you need to do is double-click on the message. However, you can only react with a heart emoji.

If you want to react with more emojis, you need to update your Instagram app. Go to your Android Play Store or Google Play Store, go to your apps and messages, and try to update the Instagram app. Once you have it open, make sure that the Instagram app is up to date.

If the Instagram app is up to date, open the app, and make sure that your account is linked with your Facebook Messenger account. To link the accounts, go to your Instagram account settings and click on profile settings. You will see an option to link your account with your Facebook account.

Once your accounts are linked, go to your Instagram messages and select a message that you want to react to. Click and hold on the message to get more options to react to. You can click on the plus icon to see more emojis to react to the message.

If your Instagram account is linked with your Facebook Messenger account, you can use any of the emojis available on Facebook Messenger to react to your messages on Instagram.

In conclusion, linking your Instagram account with your Facebook Messenger account can provide you with more options to react with emojis on Instagram. It’s an easy process, and you can do it by updating your Instagram app and linking your accounts together. We hope this article was helpful in showing you how to use emojis on Instagram.