How to Use Connectify Hotspot in Windows 7

Are you tired of being restricted by the limited number of devices you can connect to your internet at home or office? Have you ever wished you could create a Wi-Fi hotspot so that you and your colleagues or friends could connect to the internet from multiple devices? Well, the good news is that you can create a hotspot on your Windows 7 computer, and this post will guide you through the process.

Firstly, you need to be connected to the internet directly, either through an Ethernet cable or a USB dongle. Once you are connected, you can follow these steps to create a Wi-Fi hotspot:

1. Open Network and Sharing Center

There are two ways to do this. You can click on the currently connected network icon at the bottom of your screen and select “Open Network and Sharing Center.” Alternatively, you can go to your Control Panel, select “Network and Internet,” then “Network and Sharing Center.”

2. Set up a new connection or network

Once you are in the Network and Sharing Center, scroll down and select “Set up a new connection or network.”

3. Set up a wireless ad hoc network

Scroll down and select “Set up a wireless ad hoc (computer-to-computer) network.” Click “Next.”

4. Give your network a name and password

Enter a name for your network and a secure password. Click “Next.”

5. Allow other network users to connect to your computer’s internet connection

Right-click on your wireless network connection and select “Properties.” Select the “Sharing” tab, then check the box that says “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s internet connection.”

6. Connect to your hotspot

Your Wi-Fi hotspot is now created and waiting for others to connect. Anyone nearby with a computer or tablet can connect to your hotspot using the name and password you set up earlier.

Creating a Wi-Fi hotspot is that simple! However, note that Android phones may have trouble connecting to ad hoc networks. That said, this process is a great way to connect multiple devices to a single internet connection. So, good luck, and happy hotspotting!