How to Use Carbon Copy Cloner to Copy a Hard Drive on Mac

If you’re a Mac user and you need to copy your hard drive, you might find the app called Carbon Copy Cloner really useful. This app is straightforward and allows you to select your source and destination drives. Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to go. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Carbon Copy Cloner.

First, select your source drive. This is the drive that you want to clone. You can choose to copy all files or only copy some files. A pop-up window will appear, and you can choose where you want to backup. You can exclude folders by clicking on the exclude folders option. Once you’re done, select your destination drive.

It’s worth noting that you can format your destination drive to whichever format you want, other than Microsoft NTFS. You can also choose to have Safetynet on or off or don’t delete anything, but it’s recommended that you leave it on.

After you’ve selected your options, click on the Clone button. Now you’ll need to wait for it to finish. The app will start to clone your hard drive, and you’ll see a progress bar indicating how far along it is.

Once the process is complete, you’ve successfully cloned your hard drive to the destination drive. The entire system is cloned, so the destination drive should be bootable.

In conclusion, Carbon Copy Cloner is an incredibly useful app for those who need to copy their hard drive. It’s straightforward to use and allows you to select your source and destination drives easily.