How to Use a Touch Screen Without Fingers

In today’s world, we are heavily dependent on touch screens that are present in our smartphones, tablets, and computers. But what do we do if we can’t use our fingers to interact with them? In this article, we will discuss various methods to interact with touch screens without using fingers.

Many people use aluminum foil wrapped around a pen to activate the screen. However, what if we told you that any material that is an electric conductor works? This includes tools that are used to remove the SD card from a smartphone, as long as the contact area is not too small.

To activate a capacitive screen, the contact surface needs to have a certain area, and the contact material must be conductive. Additionally, there needs to be a ground in electronics, which is usually our body. If our fingers are not in contact with these materials, then nothing we have shown will work.

The ideal solution is to use a ground, which can be found in the cable used to charge the device. By cutting the cable and connecting it to the device, we can use the ground wire to trigger the screen. However, this solution is not perfect, as we cannot use the device and charge it at the same time.

Instead of using a USB cable, we can use a headset connector. By cutting and stripping the wires and connecting the ground to a metal part with a good area, we can prove that it works even with insulation between our contraption and our body. The metal part can be removed from a damaged LED bulb.

If you want to listen to music while using this gadget, you can use a connector or a splitter to connect the speakers or headsets in the correct place. The ground wire is usually the black cable for USB cables, and for headset connectors, it will depend on the type that you decide to use.

In conclusion, there are various ways to interact with touch screens without using fingers. By using a ground wire, we can activate the screen and use the device without any problems. The methods discussed in this article can be used in future projects as well.